Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hey people! I am starting a "random" segment called "Out From Left Field" that will showcase, well, stuff from out in left field. Stuff that's gonna fly under the radar that I think is cool. At least, that's my aim. Good thing I can edit or delete stuff! =)

The Happy Couple becomes...
...the Troubled Couple.
Wow. I just checked out a movie called +1 (Plus One) and while it took a bit of time to get going, it was one of those weird/funky/cool under-the-radar movies you'll probably overlook.

The Story: At a high school reunion kegger in an upscale house, a strange occurence having to do with power surges ends up in party-goers seeing double...and not just from the booze. But there is one guy who passes out before the doubles appear, so he missed all of it...and so did his double.
Most are oblivious except for those who stayed at the house while the majority of people moved to an outdoor stage area. Those in the house saw the exact same party and occupants (including their own doubles) that happened a mere 15 minutes ago.
The Quandry:So then here's the question: What do you do when you encounter YOURSELF?

Would you kill the other self?

Talk to...yourself?

That's a question only you, yourself, can answer. The first characters to see the doubles follow different ideas, whether it be selfish, scared or actually coming to understanding oneself. I know, it sounds so philosophical...and I don't get philosphical! The whole situation constantly puts you in a "What Would You Do?" multiple choice game where you end up sometimes thinking "I wouldn't have done THAT" or "Wow, now there are TWO hot chicks" (oops), "What a selfish b@$t@rd!". Either way it'll at least  make you think about the implications, consequences in this unlikely situation.
Speaking of "unlikely"..who plays tennis in the house with a flaming tennis ball?
The movie never hints on whether this was a global incident or not but if it were, it'd be one huge planet-wide conspiracy if no one talked about it. It also sets off the paranoid idea that you really don't know which version of you survived (and did your best friend? Your girlfriend? Are they doubles or real?), as with each power outage, the doubles begin to catch up with the real people.

Its almost like a different take on "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" except YOU'RE snatching your own body. Or something...

Anyway, if you have the patience to get through the first 20 minutes of set-up for our main character(s?), you'll be surprised at what unfolds. See if you can sit still and NOT react, point your finger or even throw your hands up in disgust. Even at that, it was a fun romp and not a bad way to spend a rainy day inside.

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