Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hey people! I am starting a "random" segment called "Out From Left Field" that will showcase, well, stuff from out in left field. Stuff that's gonna fly under the radar that I think is cool. At least, that's my aim. Good thing I can edit or delete stuff! =)

The Happy Couple becomes...
...the Troubled Couple.
Wow. I just checked out a movie called +1 (Plus One) and while it took a bit of time to get going, it was one of those weird/funky/cool under-the-radar movies you'll probably overlook.

The Story: At a high school reunion kegger in an upscale house, a strange occurence having to do with power surges ends up in party-goers seeing double...and not just from the booze. But there is one guy who passes out before the doubles appear, so he missed all of it...and so did his double.
Most are oblivious except for those who stayed at the house while the majority of people moved to an outdoor stage area. Those in the house saw the exact same party and occupants (including their own doubles) that happened a mere 15 minutes ago.
The Quandry:So then here's the question: What do you do when you encounter YOURSELF?

Would you kill the other self?

Talk to...yourself?

That's a question only you, yourself, can answer. The first characters to see the doubles follow different ideas, whether it be selfish, scared or actually coming to understanding oneself. I know, it sounds so philosophical...and I don't get philosphical! The whole situation constantly puts you in a "What Would You Do?" multiple choice game where you end up sometimes thinking "I wouldn't have done THAT" or "Wow, now there are TWO hot chicks" (oops), "What a selfish b@$t@rd!". Either way it'll at least  make you think about the implications, consequences in this unlikely situation.
Speaking of "unlikely"..who plays tennis in the house with a flaming tennis ball?
The movie never hints on whether this was a global incident or not but if it were, it'd be one huge planet-wide conspiracy if no one talked about it. It also sets off the paranoid idea that you really don't know which version of you survived (and did your best friend? Your girlfriend? Are they doubles or real?), as with each power outage, the doubles begin to catch up with the real people.

Its almost like a different take on "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" except YOU'RE snatching your own body. Or something...

Anyway, if you have the patience to get through the first 20 minutes of set-up for our main character(s?), you'll be surprised at what unfolds. See if you can sit still and NOT react, point your finger or even throw your hands up in disgust. Even at that, it was a fun romp and not a bad way to spend a rainy day inside.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Taeng's Rant: Into Dumb Ass-ness, A Movie Buff's Nightmare

So, the latest JJ Abrams trek epic INTO DARKNESS was recently released on DVD and Blu-ray and for a movie fanatic, it is a LIVING NIGHTMARE.

When I say fanatic, I am talking about the people who love the special packaging like the Steelbooks (and there are several, globally), the figures & replica starships and the glorious behind-the-scenes material. I love this stuff but I admit I'm not a die-hard for it...unless its concerning DIE HARD.

Truth be told, I wasn't a fan of INTO DARKNESS as far as the Khan angle goes, but the rest of it was pretty cool. Loved the Dreadnaught U.S,S,  Vengeance. But I was just reading up on the release and what the various outlets like Target and Best Buy were going to offer. It wasn't until I read the reviews on the blu-ray release that I found out what a RETARDED thing Paramount did and it basically screwed the fans.

What happened was what I would call a blatant disregard for the Trek fandom as well as a ploy to make more money by making fans hunt for the material that should've been included in the first place. Now I'm sure the plan seemed sound to Paramount or whomever was in charge of marketing stuff, but in the end it only served to irritate those in-the-know.

Here's the deal:
The release of INTO DARKNESS had a set amount of featurettes available on all versions, no matter where you bought it. This material amounted to about 40+ minutes.
Both Amazon & Walmart had what I would call complimentary releases. Walmart has a steelbook edition that comes with a small scale replica of the U.S.S. Vengeance while Amazon has a 1:1 replica of a phaser plus a small scale U.S.S. Enterprise.No super-duper content, just toys.

Best Buy had a special all-black/large print slipcover and 30 minutes of exclusive bonus content via download (yeecch).
Target also had a custom slipcover but also a custom cover that was basically the same as the slipcover and 30 minutes of exclusive content on a bonus disc. The kicker is that you had to buy the 3D version. Ouch!

iTunes' version of the movie included an audio commentary that was not on any other format, blu-ray or otherwise.

So, if you just blindly bought the DVD or Blu or combo and thought you had the complete package (barring any differing cover/slipcovers or steelbook editions), you would be sorely mistaken. The ones that will hurt the most are the completist movie/Trek buffs...they'll end up buying multiple versions of the movie just to get all the features. Features that should've been included in, at the very least, a Deluxe Limited Edition w/Spock ears...or something.
Oh but wait, there's a little bit more: Apparently, the Best Buys in Canada not only get the custom slipcover but also that exclusive 30 minutes of material...COMES ON A BONUS 3RD DISC so you wouldn't have to download it via Cinema Now like us in the States.
I'm betting Canucks with eBay accounts are selling this baby for a premium right now.

Why, Paramount? Why mess with the fans of one of your biggest (if not THE biggest) franchises? Is this in any way fair at all to them?
I say NO.
If this is how Paramount is going to do business, then they shouldn't be surprised that their titles slow or stop selling. They'd better understand that the ones who shell out their hard-earned money for their product shouldn't be treated like this.
Its just so bad that they could turn out a decent Friday the 13th Collection for that franchise's fans, but skimp on another franchise. Where are your heads, people????

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Friday the 13th...What Movie Would You Watch?

Vin Diesel's "The Pacifier"? Oops, that's not a horror movie. it?

Finally hitting blu ray and dvd, for the first time ever, the complete bloody history of one Jason Voorhees: Friday the 13th: The Complete Collection.
The set comes with all 12 movies, a 40-pg Crystal Lake Memories book, embroidered Crystal Lake Counselor patch and a bonus disk. Total of 10 discs in a hinged metal embossed tin. The discs are housed in page-sleeves bound into a booklet that is held closed by a red fabric band that reads "I told the others, they didn't believe me. You're all doomed".
It should be noted that the last 5 movies in the "original" series weren't available on blu until now.

I'll admit I'm not a huge Jason fan but I did grow up watching (or sorta watching while peeking from behind my hands) the iconic hockey-masked slasher. And as a guy, I begin to sorta wonder how Jason would kill the next crop of dopey teenagers who tried to have sex at Camp Crystal Lake.
Also, I'm not one to collect these movies one-by-one on blu, especially since the latter half belonged to another studio and who knew when those would get released? So it was very cool that both Paramount and Warner Bros were good enough to join forces to bring us the whole franchise, including the newer reboot (bleh).

Now alot of fans out there are complaining that these won't be the uncut versions, like the previous couple of DVD releases but for me that's OK. It would've cost more money to either dig up the uncut version (no pun intended, Jason) or reassemble footage into a new cut and this collection would cost MORE money than it already does. In fact, Random is probably rolling hie eyes right now because I caved and bought this. I'm just burning the Mastercard here. (See also my $139 Girls' Generation splurge)

And for the life of me, I do not know why the bonus disk is a a blu ray set. no less.

Anyhow, there it is. The collection is supposed to be released on 9/13/13...but who's gonna tell?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Taeng's Take: ASHES OF ARES

Remember, I love Heavy Metal, too! Horns Up!


Matthew Barlow: Vocals
Freddie Vidale: Guitars
Van Williams: Drums

Former Iced Earth vocalist (and part time police officer!) is back with a project that is truly his: ASHES OF ARES.

Excerpted from Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first band that is "your" band. ICED EARTH was Jon's [Schaffer] band, and you joined PYRAMAZE well into their existence. This has to be a different type of feeling for you, right? 

Barlow: That's the whole thing. I've said this before: it really is for the first time being in total creative control of lyrics and vocal melodies. That's a big deal for me. It's a big step, but without Freddie writing the music — he wrote 99.9 however much of the music — it would be different. I'm a music writer, but not writer per se. I did write the basis for "Move The Chains", but my guitar playing sucks [laughs], but Freddie made it sound like actual guitar playing, and I did "The Answer", which I wrote acoustically. It's really more… I'm going to take the hits — good or bad — as far as lyrics and melodies because it is all me. Freddie wrote 99.9 [percent], however much of the music, but it's really this collaborative effort. Van took the ideas we had and wrote these cool drum parts that we didn't even think of — it changed the dynamic of the songs. It's a really cool joint collaboration, and we're really proud.

Here's my first-impression down-and-dirty track by track assessment:

This one starts out slow and actually fades out before the double kick drums come out to pretty much bludgeon you senseless. A so-so intro with the hope thar maybe they started with the weakest stuff first.

YES! Matthew Barlow's bellowing growling vocals against the driving midtempo rhythm section is just the thing. Let the headbanging begin! Very Iced Earth-like.

Keeping the midtempo with a melancholy feel. Acoustic guitars and heavy drum beat frame Barlow's vocals well. I still cannot help but draw comparison to I.E.'s "Watching Over Me" (which is a better song) until the riffs increase in speed and I swear that Barlow's passionate growls get even lower. Somewhat dramatic but still a pretty good song.

Warbling bass (?) line intro, tribal-like drums, muddled whisper-speak give way to yet another midtempo cruncher. Not as cool as the previous "Move the Chains" but, man, if this were performed live all would be headbanging to the plodding beat and thrashing to the eight-legged-drummer's bass drums. Growling still present, and here to stay, I presume.

Barlow's vocals seem to punch you in the stomach with every track. Even though there's an acoustic verse in this one, Barlow's signature low tones just grab you and shake you like a sonic earthquake. And I mentioned "Passion" previously, right? That's also present in every vocal he does. As much as I'd like to comment on the band backing him up, I get caught up in his vocals ALL THE TIME, with every track. At least with Iced Earth I could acknowledge founder Jon Shaffer's awesome axe-wielding. Here, its ALL Matthew Barlow.

Growl, growl growl. I still like it. At least I was able to pay attention to the guitar solo this time. Did Barlow take a water break?

Thrash lives! Drummer gets a workout (as he does on all the songs). More growl. Not tired of it yet. Hey, some demonic vocals! And yet it sounds like more growling.

THE ANSWER (including an acoustic version as a bonus last track)
The lower tone of Barlow's vocals come across as melancholy when he wants to be melodic and it works out well. Seems his forte (other than growls) are songs of the sad sort.
Acoustic version showcases Barlow's vocals nicely.

More demonic growls. Matt Barlow is the Baskin-Robbins of growls:31 different flavors!

The closing track keeps the tempo in the midrange, like before. And yes, growl, growl growl.

I didn't set out to be a Matthew Barlow fanboy, but it sure sounds like I am. His vocals tend to overpower the band playing with him and its a little sad. But when I heard the Matt was the vocalist for this project, it was the single reason for me to check this out. On that level, he does not disappoint. But the band suffers a little because of his sonic presence and Iced Earth history.
Funny thing is that guitarist Freddie Vidale is a civil engineer (read: day job) and octo-drummer Van Williams is a new papa so it would seem that these guys are weekend warriors. Nothing wrong with that! If you can mosh and still keep your day job and your family, more power to you!
Final Shot: I actually like this album as a whole. MOVE THE CHAINS is my favorite track as of this writing. As an Iced Earth fan I am both happy and sad....this is a good album but where does this leave Iced Earth? this what a police man thinks of when he's on duty?

Monday, September 9, 2013


Hey people (all 3 of you), my Kpop craziness will kick into gear towards the end of this month with 2 releases from my favorite Kpop group: Girls' Generation, a.k.a. So Nuyh Shi Dae, a.k.a. SNSD...whew.

With a Japan release date of Sept 18, we'll get a double-whammy (or in my case a triple whammy) of releases with Girls' Generation releasing a new 2-track single, "Galaxy Supernova", c/w "Do the Catwalk", both non-album tracks (as was the earlier release "Girls & Peace"/"Lingua Franca" single).

There will be 2 editions available, one with a DVD containing the music video for "Galaxy Supernova" and one without. Guess which one I ordered?
Limited Edition DVD-style case.
Also debuting that day will be both DVD and Blu-ray versions of their "Girls Generation II: Girls & Peace 2nd Japan Tour". This one is the money sucking monster, as both will come with photobooks but they will be DIFFERENT for each format. So, I bite the bullet as usual.

Blu-ray packaging.
These are considered the "Limited Editions", as only one of each can be ordered per format, per customer. The LE Blu ray is already sold out/out of print but there are a few LE DVDs still available. And, of course, ebay will probably have some stock...
It should be noted that this version of the concert is longer than the WOWOW broadcast with the addition of 4 or more songs.

DVD packaging.

I'll probably be giving a full review of these releases once my heart rate becomes normal after receiving these items.

Update: From Taeyeon's Instagram, pics of the actual items!!
I'm so excited !!!

So anyway, I touched on the subject of "You snooze, you lose" earlier and it was part of a situation that, until recently, I was kicking my own ass about. My life circa 2010, "Year One" as I call it, saw the release of SNSD's first Japanese single, "Genie".
 I wasn't really paying attention to the Japan information as I was really caught just trying to get CAUGHT UP in Kpop. By the time I got wind of the release, it was 2 weeks away and guess what? Everyone was "sold out"...all preorders were closed. There were 3 versions available but I wanted the "Limited Edition" and so of course that version sold out first.

Since then I'd been checking ebay for availability but in 2010 it was going $200 - $300...and if it was might as well have signed over your paycheck for that month. In the last couple of months it seemed to stabilize but never dropping below the $150 mark. So I figured it was time to take the plunge.

Its been pretty slow on the new release front, which is a good thing because it gives us Kpop fans time to replenish the funds. So I caved in a bought the Limited Edition of SNSD's 1st Japanese single "Genie" and I can finally stop kicking myself for missing it the first time. Needless to say, I have immediately jumped on every preorder that's come up since and have been a very happy yet broke  fan.

Of course, with the release of "Galaxy Supernova" and the DVD & Blu ray of the 2nd Japan Tour, PLUS the anticipated Korean comeback later this year, the SNSD machine is gearing up once more...