Saturday, May 3, 2014

Google more apps for your drawer

Ok. Google. Now really?!?
I appreciate the fact that the latest update allows for better document editing. But did we really need separate apps? I just counted the "Google" apps that come preinstalled on my phone. 15. 15 apps from Google.
1. Chrome
2. Gmail
3. Google
4. Google Settings
5. Google+
6. Hangouts
7. Maps
8. Play Books
9. Play Games
10. Play Movies & TV
11. Play Music
12. Play Newsstand
13. Play Store
14. Voice Search
15. YouTube
And you want to add more apps to this collection. Not just 1 app suite but individual apps for each task. Documents. Spreadsheets. And coming soon Presentations. Oh joy. I can hardly contain myself. So now that's 3 more added to the 15 for a total of 18. Of course this isn't including the App for Drive which I have installed nor the App for Blogger. Which brings me to 20.
And since we're going around the merry-go-round again. Docs to Drive back to Docs (plus Sheets and soon Presentations).
Then there is QuickOffice. This is great! Offline office suite. Pretty good MS Office editing. But now I have TWO QuickOffice apps! One came preinstalled on the tablet and the other downloaded because its the full version for free. WTH?!? Really...

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