Tuesday, July 16, 2013

PACIFIC RIM: Taeng00ey808's Take & More

First off, I have to say that growing up in Hawaii and having seen some of the Giant Robot animated shows from Japan broadcast through American and local Japanese TV, I always wondered when someone would make a movie of it...or something like it.
The 1980's did a have a couple, ROBOT JOX and CRASH AND BURN and both used the then tried-and-true stop-motion animation techniques. Love ya, Ray! Computer generated images were in the very early stages of development and mostly used in stickman figures or 10-second TV spots and that still took months to make.
Still, with the advancement of CGI into the 90's and then the millenium, no one took the chance on making a full-scale motion picture of Giant Robots fighting...whatever. I thought that Japan would've been the first, since they basically brought the genre to life and this continues today in the form of the long-running Gundam series.  C'mon guys, we were expecting you to be the first.
But alas, decades would go by and then The TRANSFORMERS (again, a Japan import) makes its live-action film debut to the delight of those who grew up watching it on TV every afternoon after school (that and Robot---, I can't say it but you know which series). And this is done through the American film industry. Now, I know all 3 movies got trashed by critics, but REALLY, how do you critique Giant Robots? It's a POPCORN movie of a toy line, for chrissake! Check your brain at the door, take your seat and enjoy the ride. =)
Flash forward to 2012 and the rumblings of the latest Guillermo Del Toro (HELLBOY, MIMIC, PAN'S LABYRINTH, BLADE II) film called PACIFIC RIM. I didn't really pay it much attention becuz it didn't shout "Giant Robots VS Giant Monsters!" just by the title. It took a little bit of time but the first images came out and I was like &$#^* (expletive)! It was starting to pique my interest and then the first trailer hits and I AM HOOKED. But, having waited so long for something like this to come along sorta made me hesitate as far as whether it would be any good...you know, the first model will have some bugs so it may not function great all the time and you wait for the next version. Except if this fails, there won't be another version. So I headed into the movie with low expectations, even if a director that I admire and whom brought fantastic characters to life onscreen with awesome results, was behind it all.

Honestly, I really wasn't that excited but I had committed to seeing it (to myself) and this was the only way to see it...on the big screen, with Regal's RPX system and nice, somewhat racecar-like comfy chairs.
The result?
It was AWESOME! And intense. One of the few movies in a long time that made me actually sit up in my seat (don't lie, you slouch in those seats too) and dig into the action. I've already made up my mind to buy the blu-ray.
It had interesting concepts, especially dealing with the Jaeger/Giant Robot and human link up through a neural net and that you needed 2 drivers (1 for right and 1 for left brain hemisphere control). Remember, the Japanese animated versions just had the operator sit in a chair and drive the robot. Not so for this movie. There so many concepts I found interesting that, in addition to cool Jaeger/Monster battles, I found myself liking the movie more and more. Yeah, some of them were a bit far-fetched...but we're talking about Giant Robots...I think we're past "far-fetched" and deep into "Holy Crap, that's crazy!" territory.
Nevertheless, for the little kid in me who loved those animated Japanese Giant Transforming Robots from childhood, PACIFIC RIM more than satisfied him.  I may even go see it again.
Critics and non-critics can bash the movie for whatever reasons but I took it for the thrill ride it was and believe that was, in part, the intent.
Oh yeah and if you go see it, stick around for the gag during the credits.

A film like this opens up the idea that we can now make a Giant Robot movie, as the technology has allowed us the freedom and scope to make it happen. I, personally, would love to see a live-action Macross or even Gundam. Heck, Japan already has a life-sized Gundam robot on display. I think its time he started walking...

What do you think?

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