Sunday, December 4, 2016

2 Years Gone

Well, a year or two has gone by and both Random & I have been busy and not really in the same workspace anymore. We still see & message each other but after settling into the "new digs" he referred to, we both had way more duties piled on that keep us busy enough to almost lose touch.
Now, that's not an's just the way it is.
Be that as it may, the "creative juices" have been flowing quite a bit lately for me within my new duties and may well spill into this blog. After all, this is supposed to be where we show our "randomness", right? I think I've been more random than Random has, but he knew this from the start.
Would I ever start my own blog? It's crossed my ind but as displayed here, we both have no time to update with the gazillion things happening in our the answer seems to be an emphatic "NO" at this point. Just popping up here for a bit suits our schedules just fine.
Is there a schedule for posts? Of course not. It's random. And eclectic.
Would we like to be able to schedule? Of course we would. But as stated previously, our duties have increased tremedously that we're just too brain-tired to do much.
But we'll try. Maybe?
I will certainly try to give it a go.

Still-Not-A-Blogger Taeng😛

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