Friday, March 29, 2013

Old people and feeding animals

So just watched an old man feeding pidgins. He got a warning from security that it is prohibited to feed the birds. There is an old man who lives near me who apparently cooks a pot of rice specifically to feed to birds. There is a woman who frequents an open lot and feeds the cats there. The lot is located across the street from the local humane society but they won't do anything about the feral cats. If you call the humane society they tell you to come by and pick up traps and to drop the traps off when anything is caught. What the hell. So what do you do again?
There is a park nearby and a woman goes there to feed the cats. She said that she is licenced and so is allowed to feed the cats and we should also have the kids on this particular outting not to mess with the cats. Well of course I checked with the humane society and the local university to check this out. I have never heard of a licenced animal feeder. Both responded to the negative about there being a licence let alone someone with the resposibility to feed feral animals.

Yeah. I don't get people.

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