Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trying to get back into the groove,

So I have been neglecting this blog for a bit. I so should get back to updating. So many things rattling around my head that it never makes it anywhere.

Another Christmas has come and gone. Merry? Yeah. Had some good times. Disappointed? No. Friends and family were great as usual. Got a new phone this time. No. Not the Galaxy Nexus that I am still kinda drooling over. I did get the Samsung Stratosphere which to people who pay attention to these things is basically a rebranded Samsung Epic 4g from Sprint. 18 month old design. Is it the latest and greatest? No. But for the things I do, its perfect. In fact when the Epic came out on Sprint, I was like "ooohh". Too bad I didn't want to switch carriers at that point.

Ok. Lost my train of thought...

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