Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Upgraded to Internet Explorer 9. Now everything is blank!

So on my laptop after a factory restoration. I did the usual patches for Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Imagine my surprise after Internet Explorer 9 installs (without a hitch I might add) that regardless of what site I visited the browser window was blank. Mousing around the window indicated that the page was open just couldn't see anything. While this was kinda amusing at first (find the hidden link...) it did get irritating. After contacting the manufacturer of the laptop and being told "Oh, no problem. just ship back the unit and we'll take a look."

After surfing around I found this:
Internet Explorer 9 is always blank, no matter which website I visit.
1. In Internet Options> Advanced> Accelerated graphics (first in the list) try "Use software rendering" checked and unchecked.

Now IE9 is happily displaying websites as it should.

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