Thursday, July 11, 2013

Helllooooooo Nurse! A-JAX's "Insane" MV is released!

You didn't think I'd forget that Randomness posted the Jaekyung/Hyunyoung nurse pic, didja? Take a gander...

 Although they're only in the MV for a few seconds (not sure if it amounts to a minute, even), its still worth watching. Oh yeah and the song is pretty good, too.

It kinda sounds like Tasty's "You Know Me" just a lil bit... =)


  1. Here's a Youtube link. I find it coincidental that the first comment is almost identical to Taeng's

  2. Another 'Tube link. This one is for Tasty's You Know Me. You know, for those of us that might not keep bleeding edge attention to all of kpop. XD
