Sunday, August 11, 2013

Doom & Gloom: Taeng00ey's Rant On The Future Of ...Stuff

A classic? Not really. But would you miss being able to watch it? YES.
Have you ever thought about what's coming in future as far as movie-watching? Serously. Because I have...and I grieve.

With movies, music and news readily available on your PC or wireless devices, the future of entertainment and how you consume it begins heading for a turning point. Streaming movies and buying digital (mp3) music online has become a normal event in our lives but this will eventually lead to more restrictions on what you and cannot consume.

Cue Doomsday music of your choice.

Think about it: The more people start streaming movies, sales of DVDs & Blurays will drop to the point that its possible that:
1. Only new movies will come out on physical media and will only be available at that time, or
2. All PHYSICAL media will cease to exist and you will end up only being able to stream or pay to download your movies.

That scares me. It really does.
From the early HBO days. I am happy to own this one.
To not be able to watch a movie at your own leisure, and repeatedly watch it without having to pay a rental fee each time is a huge that is available to everyone RIGHT NOW. But given that this generation is more into digital content, they don't see that the more they stream video, the more they (and we, in turn) dictate to the movie studios ideas like "DVD is dead" or "People would rather stream than buy a bluray", etc. Whether you know it or not, we are inching towards an all-digital entertainment future.

There will be NO physical media. CDs, DVDs, Blurays, will all cease to exist. You wanna watch a movie? Stream it. Want music? iTunes. News? Online subscriptions.
By this time, we could see the big movie studios setting up their own streaming services. And depending on the studio, the prices could vary.
Want to watch "Star Wars"?  Sign up at Disney's site and much? Studios could monopolize on their franchises. Paramount could charge a premium for their "Indiana Jones" material, 20th Century Fox could do the same for their "Die Hard" movies.

Low-budget awesome!

Heck this could breed a whole new idea that the most sought-after movies automatically bump up to premium-tier pricing. Imagine "Sharknado: 3peat" costing more than "Jaws"??? Just because the public made it popular? I just got the chills.

And what if your favorite movie or t.v. series of all-time suddenly becomes unavailable to stream because it wasn't being viewed enough and the studio would rather devote the server space to newer content? Or if its a cable series, it could get tied up in corporate red tape much like the Dish Network vs CBS fiasco going on right now and the episodes are held, essentially, for ransom. And who loses? Certainly not the corporate bigwigs.

Like I said: more restrictions.

..and you go in pieces!
Now I'm not saying that you should go out an buy every movie you've ever wanted RIGHT NOW (but its a start...) but me being a guy that loves to have a physical copy of my fave movies (and there are MANY) to watch at any time on a whim, I realize that this way of life is going to change. And most people are oblivious to this, or just don't care enough about movies and music to be concerned. I'd like to say that I want to be there when the "I told you so!" moment happens, but f-ed up thing about it is I'd be in the same damned situation...just with the ability to watch old movies in my collection.

It's a small consolation but at least I have one...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

OH, THE HORROR! I just watched SHARKNADO..and I can't UNwatch it..!

Taeng's take:


Shark + Tornado.


[I would say that this 'view contains spoilers, but how do you spoil a movie like this? How?]

I signed on for THIS?!
For years Syfy has been building a library of awful b-grade movies in a effort to have something to show on Saturday night that isn't a rerun of another show that ran during the week. But believe it or not there was a time when they did some halfway decent flicks such as SNAKEHEAD TERROR, WYVERN and SEA BEAST. As of late, though, halfway decent has dwindled to wacky mutant combinations that could almost be mistaken as translated from another language. But they're NOT. The titles are EXACTLY as the network intended them to be. And for that, we are both thankful (because we know what it is and can avoid it) and scared (because someone actually came up with the idea and it became a movie).

4 reasons to watch this? Maybe...

I avoided every one of these.

Now I'm one who would try to find something to like in most any movie, whether it be a nice premise (executed wrong), cool  effects (well, maybe just OK effects) or even at the barest requirement, a hot chick. Does Sharknado have any of these?

The answer is a resounding NO.

So that's why I don't get it. It's horrible and yet you watch it just to see how even MORE outrageous it could get.
Never mind that its raining one minute and bone-dry the next (in a matter of .5 seconds), that the ambulance to rescue the kids seems to be abandoned and just parked on the highway, that people on the road are just leisurely driving along while a sharknado of squiggly proportions is approaching, that the barmaid can spot a tiger shark as it swims by the car. And who DIDN'T see the fact the new boyfriend of the hero's ex-wife wasn't gonna be shark food? And the whole swallowed-by-a-shark-but-sawing-your-way-out-while-rescuing-your-barmaid-employee...I really, REALLY have no words.

Death from above...!
Mind you, I knew from the title alone that this was a no-budget deal so I avoided it completely. Wasn't even on my radar that night (SNSD was..but when are they not?).

The fact that the social media networks were all a-buzz with it caught my attention..and I'm ANTI-social media! Now the whole Twitter thing was probably a case of people saying its "so bad but it's a GOOD bad" with a heap of sarcasm. But the whole thing,whether a joke or not, has its CONSEQUENCES.

And the consequence is...there's gonna be a SEQUEL.

There you have it, folks. Democracy in action.

Death from above, Part 2...and probably the coolest scene.
From Randomness: Ok. So my two cents on the whole Sharknado phenomenon.  SyFy is sooo riding this one! They have since played this movie no less than three more times within almost as many days. This wasn't SyFy's worst movie but I have to liken it to an accident. You cannot NOT stop watching. This is definitely not a movie to watch late at night because you'll stay awake for the hour and 25 minutes (not including commercials). The fact that some of Hollywood jumped into the Twitter flood... well that is pretty funny. Then of course SyFy then started loading up the other "shark" movies. Two-headed Shark Attack... 'Nuff said on that one. Well, girls in bikinis. Ghost Shark?!? Oh please. Stop the pain already. The least they could do is license Deep Blue Sea.

A movie so bad that someone would actually watch it. Yup. This was it. In fact, they are already working on a SECOND movie! Really? Do we really need another one? From Taeng: "Sharknado: The Next One". No. Stop.

Don't get me started on the "mockumentary" that was "Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives" (Animal Planet's "Mermaids: The Body Found", anyone?) And I admit the thought that this shark could still swim the oceans today is both exciting and terrifying! I mean, who wasn't ready to believe "Jurassic Park"? One mosquito and you were able to manufacture all those dinosaurs?!? That was one busy mosquito.

And as is my fashion I have gone all over the subject with additional tangents included. I think I better stop here...

From T808: Me & Random were discussing the Megalodon "mockumentary" and found quite a few holes in it to deem it, well, a mockumentary. I've read most of Steve Alten's MEG books, about the
Meg actually surfacing in modern-day waters via a very interesting theory. I loved the 1st was fun, exciting and a little scary. But when I watched Discovery's tribute to SyFy, I was not impressed. Sure, as Random said, the thought of the Meg alive and cruising the open ocean is exciting & scary. But there were so many dramatic licenses taken that "The Monster Shark Lives" started to look like another "found footage" movie a la "Cloverfield" (Which I absolutely loved). Once that idea set in, we began seeing the show unravel. This just goes to show that Discovery Channel can make movies like the old Sci-Fi Channel could...but Discovery is trying to pass this off as reality TV.  As if.

From Randomness: Totally see that. I am disappointed that Discovery has sunk to this level of "reality". They were among the few stations I would watch. Learning channel has very little "learning". History channel. Uh yeah.

From T808: You forgot MTV, as well. None of these channels are who they say they are anymore.