Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ok, so still not back in the groove...

First. Happy New Year!!!!
         Albeit, three weeks late...
Second. Happy Lunar New Year!!!
         This one is only three DAYS late...

Its 2012. So it is once again the Year of the Dragon. This should make for a rather interesting year.

Interestingly enough, 2000 was a Year of the Dragon. The very year that many believed would bring about the "end". That the turning of the most significant digit would cause computers around the world to fail. The failure in the form of being unable to calculate time correctly. Well that came and went...

Here we are 12 years later and once again The year of the Dragon has returned.

This time we have a slew of interesting events arriving. There is "evidence" that the poles may reverse. North becomes South. etc. etc. This is supposed to be when the Sun enters its active state. In fact, solar activity has already been picking up. The assumed conclusion of things because the Mayan calendar ends.

I'm just gonna stop here...