Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Windows Live Writer

I read about this piece of software and thought that I would give it a try.
So here it is, the sample post created and posted from Windows Live Writer!

UPDATED: Sorry, I realized that I forgot to post the info on this software. :( I will also have this is a backup file account soon (just in case).

Windows Live Writer 

Windows Live Writer makes blogging a breeze. You can add photos and videos, format everything just so, and publish to most blogging services. Note that clicking "Download" means you agree to the Microsoft service agreement and privacy statement. Additional details below.

File Name: wlsetup-web.exe

Download link:

Size: 1.1 Mb

Install Instructions:

  1. Click the Download button on this page to start the download, or select a different language from the Change language drop-down list and click Change.
  2. Where you see a company or publisher listed in a security message, make sure the company name is Microsoft Corporation. If so, then it is safe to click Run, Continue, or Allow.
  3. The installer will open. Select the programs you want to install*, and then click Next.
    *Previously installed Windows Live programs will also be updated if you don't have the latest versions installed yet.
  4. Sit back and relax, or do other things on your computer while you wait. Installation shouldn't take more than a few minutes on a broadband connection.
  5. When it's done, you'll find your new programs in the Windows Live folder on the Windows Start menu. 
Additional functionality by Plug-Ins:

And yes, I really am looking into using this software more. XD

Monday, March 12, 2012

Yeesh! Talk about neglecting...

So, I have been neglecting this blog for over a month. Actually, I had a lot of stuff I could have been posting but I haven't found it necessary. Strange. The whole purpose of this was to kinda put down the random thoughts that rattle around in my head throughout my day.
Oh well...
Maybe I shall start again...
Then again...
Who knows???

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This is a LOT cooler than most people give it credit

Samsung Stratosphere™ a Galaxy S phone

This is a really cool smartphone. Yes, if you are in need of the latest multi-core CPU with tons of RAM and super high pixel counts, then this is not the phone for you. But if you are on the lookout for a good solid performing phone with a slide out physical keyboard then this should be on your short list.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

FVD Speed Dial

Mozilla Firefox Add-On, FVD Speed Dial, is a stylish speed dial for Firefox. A speed dial is an extension which allows the user a graphical means to often-visited websites. I used Speed Dial by Josep del Rio for a while now and was quite happy. I stumbled upon FVD tonight and was WOW! Now that is cool! So after downloading the extention and get this importing dials from Speed Dial! I was up and running. So far FVD is every bit as convenient as Speed Dial is and more!
Current version: 3.7.2
by Pavel Shcherbakov

FVD Speed Dial - Speed dial button, New tab dial, Organize bookmarks, Custom backgrounds, custom dials, organized groups, most visited dials, you can hide your dials and much more!

 If you get the opportunity, go and get this extension and give it a try. I think you will also find that it is a truly stylish and useful add-on to Firefox.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ok, so still not back in the groove...

First. Happy New Year!!!!
         Albeit, three weeks late...
Second. Happy Lunar New Year!!!
         This one is only three DAYS late...

Its 2012. So it is once again the Year of the Dragon. This should make for a rather interesting year.

Interestingly enough, 2000 was a Year of the Dragon. The very year that many believed would bring about the "end". That the turning of the most significant digit would cause computers around the world to fail. The failure in the form of being unable to calculate time correctly. Well that came and went...

Here we are 12 years later and once again The year of the Dragon has returned.

This time we have a slew of interesting events arriving. There is "evidence" that the poles may reverse. North becomes South. etc. etc. This is supposed to be when the Sun enters its active state. In fact, solar activity has already been picking up. The assumed conclusion of things because the Mayan calendar ends.

I'm just gonna stop here...